Writing Credits
Below are all my published fiction credits, mostly for those stories
appearing in print magazines and anthologies. However, since 2011, I've
written a monthly flash-fiction column on The Cud.
Visit this page for links to those columns.
Click on a story title
to visit that story's page, learn a bit about it, and read an excerpt. |

"Hold Me
Forever, Daddy"
Brutarian #31,
Fall 2000
Supernatural horror |

"The Fifth Quimester"
Brutarian #33, Summer 2001, "The Cool Horror Fiction Issue"
Science-fiction/horror |

"Hunting the
Night to
Dawn #2
Summer 2002
Vampire |

"Wrong Idea"
Night to
Dawn #3
Winter 2002-03
Vampire |

"It's All About Soul"
American Atheist,
Vol. 41, No. 2,
Spring 2003
Near-future social SF/fantasy |

"Behold and Become"
Night to
Dawn #4
Summer 2003
Vampire |

"A Bridge to
Fifty-Six States"
Journeys #2
Winter 2003
Parallel worlds sci-fi |

"The Word Is 'Freedom'"
American Atheist,
Vol. 42, No. 1,
Winter 2003-04
Near-future social sci-fi |

"Plutonian Infractions"
Journeys #3
Spring 2004
Contemporary fantasy |

"The Sabbatarian"
Night to
Dawn #5
Spring 2004
Vampire |

February 2005
Sci-fi |

"White Ribbons,
Red Roses"
In the anthology
Unparalleled Journeys
Science fiction |

"That's All, Folks!"
First Line Vol. 7, No. 1
Spring 2005
Contemporary fantasy |

End of an Era"
April 2005
Near-future social sci-fi |
"Wings of the
Journeys #11/12
Sci-fi |

"Wings of the
Journeys #11/12
Sci-fi |

"A War of Cosmic
Blood, Blade & Thruster
January 2007
Sci-fi |

"Surrogate Father"
Aoife's Kiss #22
September 2007
Fantasy |

"Don't Need Snakes"
Chiaroscuro #30, Oct. 2007
Crime/horror |

"Evolution, Devolution, Revolution"
In the anthology
Tabloid Purposes IV
October 2007
Horror |

"Juggling Lessons"
In the anthology
Unparalleled Journeys II
Nov. 2007
Sci-fi |

"Child Garden"
In the anthology
Unparalleled Journeys II
Nov. 2007
Sci-fi |

"Suitable Machines"
In the anthology
Unparalleled Journeys II
Nov. 2007
Sci-fi |

"The Narconomicon"
In the anthology
Bound For Evil: Books Gone Bad (limited edition hardcover)
Coming March 2008
Horror |

"Trials and Tribulations of a First-Time God"
Anthrolations #9
Coming Soon
Science fiction |

"What Evil Lurks"
Cemetery Moon
Coming Soon
Suspense/crime |

Twisted Tongue #9
Feb. 2008
Sci-fi/horror (flash) |

to the Core"
Twisted Tongue
Feb. 2008
Dark Fantasy (flash) |

"Armed and
Plain Magazine
May 2008
Sci-fi |

"Paternal Instincts"
Morpheus Tales
July. 2008
Absurdist |

"Watch Out for
Falling Prices"
Morpheus Tales
Coming October 2008
Sci-fi |

"Death By Deliberate Malfunction"
In the anthology
Tabloid Purposes V
October 2008
Sci-fi |

"Cone Zero, Sphere
In the anthology
Nemonymous: Cone Zero
June 2008
Sci-fi |

"Needing a Monster"
Twisted Tongue #10
July 2008
Contemporary Fantasy |

"For Love I Am
Chiaroscuro #31, 2008
Absurdist Fantasy |

Fistful of Bad Guys,
and an Ugly"
Science Fiction Trails
#4, Spring 2009
Sci-Fi Western |

"Execution Day"
In the anthology
Enchantments: The Many Facets of Magic
May 2009
Supernatural horror |

Gunslinger's Code"
Science Fiction Trails
#5, Winter 2009
Sci-Fi Western |

"Tenancy Uncommon"
Candlelight #3,
January 2010
Horror |

The Cud
January 2010
Sci-Fi |

"Best Friends"
Title Goes Here: #4
Contemporary Fantasy |

"Lucien's Menagerie"
In the anthology
Nemonymous: Null Immortalis
Suspense/Horror |

In the anthology
Tabloid Purposes 6:66
Sci-fi/Fantasy |

Hunting in the Back Yard"
In the anthology
Cheer Up, Universe
Fantasy |

In the anthology
Atheist Tales
April 2011
Science Fiction |

Curse of John Trafford's Grave"
In the anthology
A Quiet Blue Wheel
April 2012
Science Fiction

"Succors for Incubation"
In the anthology
Salacious Tales
April 2013
Erotic Supernatural Horror |

"Always a Prince,
Never a Princess"
In the anthology
Salacious Tales
April 2013
Erotic Sword & Sorcery |