Welcome to my writing site! Please check my
page, where excerpts from nearly all of my published fiction stories are
available. Read about my writing, editing, and publishing projects on this
page, or visit this page to learn about me. |
My Online Resume
I'm in the
market for a new day job, or for freelance opportunities that
interest me. After nine years of writing for the Bangor Daily News,
I left that job and am now seeking my next new writing challenge.
Fiction, nonfiction, advertorial, feature, news, profile,
historical, copy writing, copy editing --you name it, I can do it.
How can I help you or your organization out?
Read my resume here. |
Cud Flashes
in the Pan
I've been writing a monthly
flash-fiction column on The Cud. It started out as a story here and
story there for Evan Kanarakis, the editor of The Cud, but in 2011
became a regular monthly column. I've never been one for posting my
fiction for free online, but have changed in my old age. And this
has been LOADS of fun, not to mention somewhat demanding every
month. Like I tell my students during the
second week of class when we do a
flash-fiction exercise, "shorter" doesn't mean "easier."
Check out links to free fiction here! |
Now Available - Anthologies
are two anthologies I recently published. A Quiet Blue Wheel
is comprised of stories from my hard-working writing students. The book
also includes my contribution,
"The Curse
of John Trafford's Grave." ... The other is
Salacious Tales, a collection of 22 stories of sci-fi-, fantasy,
and horror... that are also erotic. Don't let the kids catch you
with this, but it's a collection of well-written stories, not the
kind of plastic-wrapped smut you find on the porn rack. Not that I
know about those from experience. Learn more about both anthologies
www.EpicSagaPub.com. |
I've launched Epic Saga
Publishing, with the goal to publish niche publications with
interest to particular groups--such as 2011's Atheist Tales
and 2013's Salacious Tales. My plan is to slowly
build a stable of quality titles that showcase great fiction by
skilled writers, and which remain in print. The content will vary widely,
with a theme of niche titles that will appeal to particular people.
Learn more
here! |
Into TV and Film
Yeah, right. After years of
learning the business of submitting short fiction, and becoming
successful enough to rack up lots of
published credits in print magazines and anthologies, not
to mention teaching students how to do
that, I'm trying to get into teleplays and screenplays.
It's like being sent back to kindergarten! The biggest challenge:
getting an agent--any agent, any agent at all--to even respond to a
query. Read more here. |
An Overview
of My Fiction
Wikipedia's definition of
speculative fiction is pretty good, if you ask me: "Speculative
fiction is an umbrella term encompassing the more fantastical
fiction genres, specifically science fiction, fantasy, horror,
supernatural fiction, superhero fiction, utopian and dystopian
fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, and alternate
history in literature." I don't only write speculative
fiction, but it's by far my preference.
Read here to learn why. |
A Game Is
Writing, Too
Nothing to link to yet, but
a huge role-playing game project I've been working on for a very
long time is coming near to completion. I can't wait to finish it
and publish it, mostly because I'll be able to die feeling I've
completed such a long-term project! Not only does it include a
core-rules book, but it includes a vast campaign setting that will
likely top out at 700 pages and over 500,000 words of detailed
source material. I'll update when the game company's Web site
finally goes live. |
New Book: Lost Souls
After years of working on
various novel projects, one I started several years ago, and worked on
diligently, is done and being shopped around to selected agents. The book
is Lost Souls, and it has been a solid part of my life for some
time. Read more about it here. |
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