"For Love I Am Tormented"

This is a short-short that has offended a few editors (whenever you have a protagonist who is uncontrollably raping women, some very young, that makes a lot of them cower and cringe and never want to look at your work again), but not the Chiaroscuro folks. As noted with my first Chiaroscuro sale, "Don't Need Snakes." Read my thoughts on that very cool, very punk 'zine on that story's page.

"For Love I Am Tormented"
by David M. Fitzpatrick

He truly loved them with all his heart, but he couldn’t stop himself. When he’d pulled the ski mask on, knowing the monstrous horrors he was about to commit, he collapsed into racking sobs.

He waited for twenty-two-year-old Jill that first night in her back seat, like a B-movie pastiche. He watched as she moved through the parking garage, impossibly seductive in her nurse’s outfit. Once she was out of the city, he surprised her with cold steel against her throat.

She begged for her life, not knowing he could never cut her; he was terrified of blood. He kept cool and forced her to drive out of town, into the hills, and he took her in the back seat. He bit his lip while she cried, so he wouldn’t cry with her. That night at home, he bawled until dawn.

Miranda was twenty. Everyone was wary after Jill’s attack, but nobody really believed it could happen again. She was walking to her car after a college night class when he hauled her into the woods with a vicious promise to slit her throat if she made a sound. The very image of blood caused him to retch, to swallow his own vomit. But she didn’t know that. He tied her face-first to a tree, so she couldn’t see his streaming tears as he violated her. He hated every single moment that he loved so much.

He called the police later so they’d find her there. He screamed into his pillow all night, begging a thousand gods to kill him, so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.

He lasted just one week before he took Emily, the high-schooler, when she came out to throw away trash in the burger joint’s dumpster. He couldn’t chance her screaming with so many people just inside, so he knocked her out—without drawing blood, of course.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

But there's more to this tortured torturer than meets the eye. To find out more about how he deals with his personal hell, visit here.

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