Children at Weddings
Traditionally, young children help populate a wedding. We'd prefer to change that
Don't get us wrong... we love children. We think they're wonderful,
fun, cute, and adorable. We like holding them and playing with them.
We like visiting our friends who have them. We like watching young
infants grow into small children on their way to growing up. We even look forward to having little Davids and Elaines running around. However,
there are three considerations in which we believe:
Kids are
noisy. Nothing breaks up a serious wedding ceremony more than a
crying infant or a child who decides it's time to throw a temper tantrum.
We realize they're infants and children who can't help it, but that doesn't
alter the fact that it's unfortunate when it happens. There are times
and places for families to bring young children, but a serious ceremony
isn't the best place. If you don't think this can be
distracting and affect a serious and important ceremony like a wedding, try
listening to the background sound you should be hearing now while watching a favorite
movie. (If you don't hear the background sound but your speakers are turned
on, open it here and try it.)
The catering is a wedding gift to us. The Ramada will be preparing
the food, and the cost per person is very expensive. We are very fortunate
to have the food paid for by a very generous family member; we are extremely
grateful for this gift, for the food constitutes an extreme expense. Having
young children who must count as a full serving of food is an unjustifiable
expense, especially since the cost of the food is a wonderful gift to us.
The reception isn't for kids. Our reception will be at the
Ramada, where they will open up the wall separating the ballroom from the
bar, and the full cash bar will be open. We feel that an alcohol-laden
affair isn't appropriate for young children. A bar certainly isn't,
and the ballroom will, frankly, be filled with a lot of alcohol. We
don't believe this is an appropriate environment for young children.
We beg of you: get a babysitter.
Hopefully, we won't be offending anyone here; but ultimately this is our
wedding, and we'd prefer not to have disturbances nor children attending a
cash bar. As such, we respectfully request that children under the age
of 12 not be brought to the wedding. We hope everyone will understand this and not decide to skip
our wedding over the issue.
"But you have children in the wedding!"
Yes, we do have a couple; this is another exception because, after all, it is our wedding.
We thank you for your understanding.