There's even a set of LARP rules called LARP-AQ! This lets you take your role-playing out into the field and do it for real. If you're a LARPer, you may be thinking that you can't reconcile a full-fledged rules system with a LARP, which must be simple and quick. You're right. I realized that there was no feasible was to do it. So I did it anyway.

And there's a bonus to LARP-AQ!: the pared-down character-creation for it (sort of like the Quick Character system completely whittled down to its very basics) doubles as a fast and furious way for GMs to generate NPCs. (Of course—many things do double duty in AQ!.) There's less to learn, and greater benefits. Learn one character-creation system, and you can do it all.

Rolegamer Democracy - What's this?
I never discussed LARPs with anyone in my years of polling, have had limited experience participating in LARPs, and never received one email asking about it. But if AQ! were to be truly unique, complete, and universal, it needed to have LARP rules. The LARP rules actually stemmed from my desire to come up with fast NPC generation, which works well for the basics you need for LARP characters.

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This Web site was last updated on Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 14:31:35

The Amazing Quests! Multigenre Universal Rolegaming Framework and Astroscape Zero are all Copyright © 1983-2010 by David Fitzpatrick.